Thursday, July 21, 2011

Doing his own thing

Sometimes toddlers remind me of Jekyll and Hyde. At times, it's all about mommy's kisses, and other times hand holding can lead to high pitched screeching followed by a dramatic back arching and falling to the floor. One of the coolest things about watching my son grow is those moments of "independance" when playing on his own is ok. I sit in a chair and watch him do his own thing. This afternoon I was about 15 ft away from him and took these pictures while he was "by himself" on the trampoline. It's about 90 degrees if you can't tell by the sweaty head. After about 10 minutes, mommy had to make an appearance because my toddler could not continue his operation when his pinky toe slipped out of his sandal, that's one of his pet peeves.
thank you Elena for the great storyboard.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


So my blogging days started in 2007 and were inspired by my zeal for healthy eating. Almost 4 years later and only 3 blog entries, I admit it was a total fail. So does that mean I'm a twinkie eating shut in that bah-humbugs at the thought of a blog? By no means, in fact I'm more in tune with what food items I introduce into my body. Things like life, work, school, and oh yes, the baby became numero uno these last years. My camera is stitched to my left hip because my very cool 19 month old son has possession of my right hip. My eyes naturally gravitate to the ingredients on packaged foods and my pupils dilate when I see a lovely lit landscape. So that's me, Lilyta.

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